Twitter tools have emerged all over the web, as this great service offers many ways to get in touch with people that really matter to you. However, safety is another of those things that matter and not all Twitter tools are trustworthy.
But don’t be alarmed, not all the tools out there are after your twitter identity! Let’s have a look at 11 twitter tools that don’t require your password and are still very useful and powerful:
TweetStats: Statistics for your Twitter account, this tool graphs the amount of hourly and monthly tweets of your account, the amount of replies and the interface that you use the most.
TwitterFriends: One of the most complete Twitter statistic tools, with just your twitter username you can find out very impressive statistics.
TwitterGrader: If you’re into ranks and grades, TwitterGrader will grade your account from 0 to 100 based on your account’s followers, following and number of tweets. You will also be given a rank, this will measure the impact of your account on the twitter sphere.
Are you in the Twitter Elite for your country? Use the tool and find out!
ReTweetRank: This tool ranks your account based on the number of retweets you get.
Tweeple Discovery:
NearbyTweets: Want to find tweeples near you? This tool finds people who tweeted near you, great tool for discovering new members to follow.
Twubble: Tired of subscribing to other accounts just so they can recommend people to subscribe to? (Yes @mrtweet, I’m talking about you.) By just filling out you twitter username, Twubble recommends user to follow based on your friends following. [Editor's Note: Update - Twubble does indeed ask you to log into Twitter's API with your username and password. - Lara]
Tweeple Unfollowing:
Twitoria: As time passes by and your “following” list becomes longer, there are bound to be a lot of spammy, unwanted, not used accounts, this tool tells your which of the accounts your following hasn’t updated recently in the last week, month or year and other time spans.
Qwitter: Besides having a very funny name, this tool will notify you by email when someone stops following you, and it only requires your username and an email address to send the notifications to (it also has a moving hand, so there’s another reason to use it).
[Editor's Note: Qwitter has been known to be pretty unreliable in terms of timely notifications. People have complained that they hear nothing for weeks or months, and then all of the sudden get 20 or 30 emails all at once, saying someone unfollowed them after their most recent tweet - when in reality, they may have unfollowed weeks ago, after a different one. - Lara]
FriendOrFollow: Find out who isn’t following you back with this tool.
Miscellaneous Fun Tools:
Tweetwasters: How much time do you spend on Twitter? This tool will tell you and only requires your username.
TweetWheel: This tool lets you find out which of your friends know each other, planning a party or going out for a movie? Find out who knows who with tool and avoid awkward moments.
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