Google Lets Web Users Create Facebook-Like Pages with Google Profiles


Google has launched a new tool that's designed to help you perfect the results you and other web users see when they search for your name online.

Let's face it, we've all searched for ourselves on the web at some point, but the results may not always be what you hoped. Whether it's the links to another person that shares your name, or just a record of an event you attended years ago that's not very relevant now. However, with a Google Profile you can control what others see.

When searching for a name, US Google users will now see links to brief Google Profiles for web users of this name, clicking on them takes you to the full Google Profile. Rather like your profile on social networking sites, Google Profiles allows you to post photos, contact details and information about yourself.

You can also link your Google Profile to your blog, public Picasa albums and even your Twitter and Facebook profiles.

"Results can be varied and aren't always what you want people to see. We want to make that better and give you more of a voice," said Brian Stoler, software engineer at Google.
Google profiles can be set up by visiting the Google Profiles page.

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