How do you Install Fonts?


Fonts are typefaces that we see on the monitor screen. Arial and Times New Roman are examples of fonts, and they outline the shape of the characters that appear on the screen. A font could be a serif font or a sans serif font and can be used in several different sizes.

There are basically three types of fonts:

TrueType fonts that you can use on any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
OpenType fonts that you can use with Microsoft Windows 2000 and later versions.
PostScript Type1 fonts that require Adobe Type Manager or Adobe Type Manager Deluxe to be installed. Since ATM comes as a part of Windows 2000 and above, there is no need to install it in case of these versions.
Some versions of Windows might automatically install the fonts for you. If the fonts you want to install are contained in a zip file, then you can open the zip file and drag and drop the .ttf files from this temporary folder to c:\windows\fonts or c:\winnt\fonts, whichever is applicable to your PC, depending on your Windows version. Depending on your version of Windows, the fonts might be automatically installed.

However, if you find that this does not work, try the following:

Click on the "Start" button and then click on "My Computer".
Double click on "Control panel".
Double click on "Fonts".
You will now see all the files for fonts installed on your PC.
Click on "File" at the top left; alternatively you could press 'Alt' and 'F' keys simultaneously. When the menu appears, click on "Install new font" or "Add font" whichever is applicable to your PC. Select the drive and folder in which the fonts you wish to install are in.
Once you have done this, a list will appear under "List of fonts". If you want to select all, click on the "Select all" button. If you want to select one, click on the particular one. If you want to select a few contiguous ones, click on the first one and keeping the "Shift" key pressed, click on the last one. If you want to select some which are not contiguous, click on one, then keeping the 'Ctrl' key pressed, go on clicking on all those that you wish to select.
Now click on the 'OK' button to install the font.
If you are attempting to install a font which has already been installed, it will give you a warning message saying that it already exists and if you want to install a new version, you have to first delete the old one. Just click on the "OK" button. You can delete a font by first clicking on the font in the c:\windows\fonts or c:\winnt\fonts folder and then pressing the "Delete" key.

If the "Install new font" option on your PC is disabled or grayed out, go to MS-DOS prompt (click on "Start" button and then on "Run". Type "command" without the quotes in the box provided and hit the "Enter" key.)

Then type in the following lines followed by the "Enter" key after each line.

cd \windows (Comment : You may replace "windows" with "winnt" as might be applicable to you)
attrib +s fonts
Now restart the computer. The "Install New Fonts" option should now be available.

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