
How to use spell check function on the Google Toolbar Google Toolbar


has a diverse selection of features that make great use of the Internet faster, easier and safer. You can look at several different locations in the toolbar, get updates and weather forecasts, check your Gmail account, and much more. Just as all this, with this handy program installed, you also have a spell checker in the toolbar that you can correct your spelling in web forms, web-based email applications, discussion forums and intranet applications, in twelve different languages. [SpellCheck *]


Click the "Settings" button (Internet Explorer) or "Options" button (in Firefox) Google Toolbar in .

Select the option "Manage" option then select the "Features" tab (in Internet Explorer) or choose the "Navigation" tab (in Firefox ).

Place a check mark in the box beside the SpellCheck option .

Click "OK" to save changes and exit the window .

Using Spellchecker

Enter your text, and then use the spell checker, click the Spell Check button in the toolbar. SpellCheck improperly highlighted words in red .

Correct highlighted words by clicking on them and select the word from the options .

Select "Edit" to correct the word, the same if you choice is not listed .

Select "Ignore" or "Add to dictionary" to leave the word is (check the "Tips and Warnings" section for advice on which option you choose).

Allow Spellchecker to automatically correct the spelling by clicking the arrow to the right of the Spell Check button and selecting "AutoCorrect" option. With AutoCorrect enabled, SpellCheck corrects all text with a single click.

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