My Favorite Firefox Add-On's (Firefox Extensions)


The standard version of Firefox 2 is an improvement over Internet Explorer, in my opinion. When they add the ability for me to pick and choose any number of Add-ons for additional functions, I think it is a great improvement.

The Mozilla web site ( hosts a large number of independently developed add-ons for Firefox.

To find Add-ons, your first step is to open the Add-ons dialog box in Firefox. You'll find it via the Firefox menu bar, then Tools, Add-ons.

Some add-ons that I use are useful for almost any type of user:

Google Photos Screensaver - allows you to add feeds to the Google Photos Screensaver through the Firefox right-click menu.
Image Zoom - adds zoom functionality for images (I use this frequently)
OpenBook - allows for customization of the Add Bookmark dialog box.
Tab Mix Plus - one of my favorite Firefox extensions. I used a different tab extension until Clif (Clif's Notes Newsletter) told me about Tab Mix Plus
TinyURL Creator - easy access to the site's tool for creating small URLs to replace long ones
A lot of the add-ons that I use are related to web design. These are:

Colorzilla - Advanced eyedropper, color picker, page zoomer and more
DOM Inspector - inspects the structure and properties of a window and its contents
Live HTTP Headers - view HTTP headers of a page and while browsing
Search Status - display the Google PageRank and Alexa ranking with search-related tools
SEO for Firefox - SEO Information inline with Google and Yahoo! search results
Squidoo - an extension fro Squidoo Lensmasters
View Source Chart - one of my most recent finds, this creates a colorful chart to help with understanding a web page's source code
Web Developer - indispensible! Plenty of tools in one easy-to-use toolbar.
Whois - get the whois data on domains - who owns them, etc.
That's the list of Firefox Add-ons / Firefox Extensions that I have installed.

If you're using Firefox, give some of these a try. If you're not using Firefox, get it!

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