
Bookmark your Word Document


We all know how Internet Bookmarking works (btw. Did you bookmark this site?;)) but making bookmarks in Word is pretty uncommon.

For example: you are working on a document for school or for the office that can reach up to 30 pages. The first couple of pages everything goes well. But after a page or five your fingers get cramped because of your mouse wheel and you start to get tired of the Page Up and Page Down buttons.

This is Microsoft Word Document Management.

Follow the next 4 simple steps to at a bookmark/a page references/a specified location to your Word Document.

1.Select the text or item to which you want to assign a bookmark, or click where you want to insert a bookmark.
2.On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Bookmark.
3.Under Bookmark name, type or select a name.
4.Click Add.

This description is for Office 2007 and so are the printscreens. The previous Microsoft Word versions have exactly the same options as MS Word 2007. Go check it out, this is very useful.

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