
How to Assign an IP Address on a Linux Computer


The Linux operating system is a popular open-source alternative to Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS X operating system. Unlike commercial operating systems, Linux gives you access to the system's raw text console. It is this aspect that enables you to assign an IP address to any Linux system. The following steps will guide you in this task.

Assign an IP address on a Linux Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Dedian computer.

Step 1 Log into your root account.

Step 2 Make a back-up copy of your "/etc/network/interfaces" file. You will do this by typing this into your console: "cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.backup."

Step 3 Type in: "vim /etc/network/interfaces. " Hit "Enter."

Step 4 Tap "I" on your keyboard to switch to insert mode. Scroll down the page to locate your network interface card.

Step 5 Replace this line: "iface eth0 inet dhcp" with this one: "iface eth0 inet static. "

Step 6 Add these lines, replacing the individual IP addresses and "Xs"with your desired ones: *Your network address: 192.168.XXX.XXX; *The netmask values:; *The network: 192.168.0.X; *Broadcast address:; *Gateway and *dns-nameservers

Step 7 Hit the "Esc" key and then type in ":wq" Type in "ifdown eth0" and enter, then type "ifup eth0" and enter again.

Assign an IP address on a Linux Red Hat and Slackware Computer

Step 1 Log into your root account.

Step 2 Type "netconfig" into the text console. This brings up a text-based menu.

Step 3 Press tab to navigate through the different fields, entering your desired settings. Check and un-check the necessary boxes by taping your space bar.

Step 4 Type in "service network restart" into the console and enter to save your settings. This step is not necessary for Linux Slackware, which will automatically save your changes.

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