How to Convert MPEG4 to WMV


MPEG4, also called MP4, is the video format primarily used for iTunes and the iPod. WMV is mainly used by the Windows Media Player. Because of this, they are rarely compatible with the other media player, so most if not all of your MPEG4 files won't play on Windows Media. It is possible to convert those files into WMV format so you can play them on Media Player. This requires one of several possible software programs used foe video file conversion.

Step 1 Install an application program on your computer that converts video files from one to another. There are several programs that can be purchased or downloaded for free, though the free downloads are often only trial versions. Make sure the program works with MP4 and WMV files.

Step 2 Open the application and import your MP4 videos with the "add" or "import" command. This will take you to a search window where you can locate the folder(s) on your computer with the MP4 files.

Step 3 Select the MP4 files in the program's main screen and select the "output," "profile" or "add task" command. This brings up a drop-down menu for the format you want to convert to; select "WMV."

Step 4 Use the profile settings option if you want to make any changes to the video. This mainly involves altering the video's size and the video or audio quality.

Step 5 Select a destination to save the converted file to with the "output," "browse" or "destination" command. In the drop-down list that appears, choose a folder or other location on your computer to save the file to.

Step 6 Click on the "convert," "finish" or "OK" button to begin the conversion process. Once you receive a dialog box stating the conversion is complete, locate the WMV file in the selected folder.

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