
How to Install Wine on Ubuntu


Wine is a free alternative to Windows API, one that provides a development toolkit as well as a program loader. In order to install Wine on Ubuntu, you'll need both the Wine repository link and the Wine GPG key.

Import the Files Needed to Install Wine

Step 1 Go to the Wine HQ website and get the Wine repository link appropriate for your version of Ubuntu.

Step 2 Click the "System" button at the top of the screen, choose "Administration" and "Software Sources." Choose the "Third Party" tab and use the "Add" button to add the repository link to your software resources.

Step 3 Get the GPG key at Wine's GPG key website.

Step 4 Save the file named "387EE263.GPG" key to your desktop

Step 5 In the software Sources window, choose the "Authentication" tab and click the "Import Key File" button.

Step 6 Navigate to the GPG file you just downloaded. Highlight it and click "OK." This will take you back to the "Authentication" tab.

Step 7 Choose the "Revert" button and click "Reload" when the prompt to reload opens.

Install Wine

Step 1 Click on System at the top of the screen and choose "Administration," and then "Synaptic Package Manager."

Step 2 Hit the "Reload" button in the upper-left.

Step 3 Find and mark all of the Wine packages for installation by checking the boxes next to the files. You can use the Search tool to do this.

Step 4 Choose "Apply" at the top of the screen and hit "Apply" again on the prompt to confirm. When the files are finished downloading, click the "Close" button.

Step 5 Open a terminal window and type "wine --version." Hit "Enter" and type "winecfg." The Wine configuration window should open.

Step 6 Change the settings if desired, and then click "Apply."

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