How to Recover Deleted Files in Windows


Every once in a while you need to recover a deleted file that was trashed in error. Even though you have removed the file from your desktop or personal files, it will still remain on your hard drive. There are several areas from which you can locate the file and, if you need to, there are software programs to help you recover the deleted file.

Step 1 Open the Recycle Bin on your computer desktop. Check the folder to locate the deleted file if you have not emptied your recycle bin since you deleted the file. If you do not have an icon for the Recycle Bin on the desktop, go to the Start menu or the Control Panel. Select the file in your Recycle Bin and copy it back to your active files.

Step 2 Download an online file recovery program (see Resources) and install the program on your computer. Some of these downloads are free while others will charge you for the program. If you are worried about getting a virus with your download, check the program reviews or install a reputable virus blocker.

Step 3 Click on the recovery program icon on your desktop and open the program. Choose what type of recovery you would like to do. You can do anything from a complete disk recovery to a fast file search. You also have the ability to customize your search and set whatever search results you want to see.

Step 4 Run the recovery program under the parameters that you have set and allow the computer to complete the search. Depending on the type of search you are running, it may take a while to complete. Searches can take anywhere from a couple minutes to several hours.

Step 5 Double-click on the found file when the recovery program finishes to open the file. Confirm that it is the file you were searching for. Copy it or move it back to your active files.

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