If you use Firefox as a web browser there are a number of add-ons (also known as extensions) that enhance your web experience-- Fireform being one of them. For people who spend a lot of time filling out web forms, Fireform is a must have. With just a little bit of set up, the add-on will allow you to fill in most of the fields on those pesky forms with a click of your mouse.
Install Fireform
Step 1 Ensure that you are running Firefox version 2.0. Though Fireform will work with earlier versions of Firefox, any recent updates and bug fixes are more compatible with the most recent version of the browser.
Step 2 Visit the Mozilla Add-Ons site to download Fireform (see Resources below). You can either go directly to the site or you can click Tools --> Add-ons --> Get Extensions in an open Firefox window. Should you choose the second option, you will need to enter "Fireform" in the search box once you're on Mozilla's site.
Step 3 Click the "Install Now" button on the Fireform Add-On page. A Software Installation dialog box will pop-up warning you to only install known software and asking if you want to install Fireform. Click "Install Now."
Step 4 Wait while the extension installs and then restart your web browser to complete installation.
Set Up Fireform
Step 1 Open a Firefox browser. Go to menu bar and choose Tools--> Add-ons. You will see a box that shows all the Add-ons you have currently installed. Confirm that Fireform is installed and ready to configure.
Step 2 Scroll down in the "Tools" menu and highlight "Fireform Options." This will bring up a secondary menu from which--depending on the complexity of the web forms you encounter-- you can choose either "Simple Setup" or "Advanced Setup" to build a new profile. It's best to start with the simple version since, once the fields are filled in, they carry over to the advanced version which you can then fill out in more detail.
Step 3 Click on the "Edit Profiles" tab and choose "Create New Profile." Give your profile a name. Fireform allows you to create any number of profiles, which is of particular benefit if you share a computer.
Step 4 Supply as much (or as little) information as you wish in the available fields, remembering that whatever information you provide will be automatically filled in on web forms with the click of your mouse.
Step 5 Save your profile and switch to "Advanced Setup." You will see a series of boxes titled "Description," "URL," "Value" and "Trigger." The information you already filled in will be listed in the boxes labeled "Value" across from the correct description. For example, "Mrs." will be in the value box across from the description title. In the trigger box you will find all of the possible fieldnames that webforms will use for this value.
Step 6 Try out Fireform. Go to a website that you know has a webform and click on the Fireform icon in the bottom bar of the Firefox browser. Check to see what fields are filled in on the form.
Fine Tune Fireform
Step 1 Use the "Advanced Setup" to add variables a form asks for that are not covered by these general fields. When you find a form that has variables that Fireform cannot fill in, right-click on the Fireform icon and choose "Display Fields."
Step 2 Mouse over the fields that have turned blue to gather the trigger information (fieldname) from the unfilled boxes on the form. Take note of the information and return to the "Advanced Setup" option for Fireform.
Step 3 Click on "Add a Field" and enter your desired description and value. In the "Trigger" box enter the information you have gathered from the web form.
Step 4 Update and save your profile.
How to Set Up Fireform in Firefox
tags: Linux, web browsers | author: chaoPosts Relacionados:
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