
The XPS Viewer in Windows 7


An XPS document is a Microsoft document format that you can use to archive content in a standardized format or publish content in an easily viewable form. You can also use this format to ensure that no one is able to edit your original work. The XPS viewer is included in Windows 7.

Clicking on any .xps file will open the file in the XPS Viewer. To open the XPS Viewer, you can also type xps in Start Search box and hit Enter.

The file btw is xpsrchvw.exe and is situated at C:\Windows\System32\xpsrchvw.exe.

With the XPS Viewer you can view and manage XPS documents. You can also digitally sign them and determine who can access them and for how long by modifyng the document permissions.

Microsoft XPS Viewer Microsoft XPS Essentials Pack
Home Page Download Page.

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