
FireFTP: Free FTP client for Firefox


I usually use CUteFTP for uploading and downloading to server but lately it becomes slow for no apparent reason. I need to shut it down, restart the CuteFTP before it is back to its normal performance. It's really annoying because it takes a lot works just before I can begin doing simple chores like uploading file to server. Being in this state, FileZilla pops into my mind but I rather look into something more simpler which does not involve many functions and buttons.

Here comes FireFTP; it is free, secure and a cross-platform FTP client for Mozilla Firefox. 1 of the reasons why I'm so appealed to this plugin is because I don't have to switch to other applications; everything is done right inside the Firefox.

Here is the complete list of FireFTP features.

It's free!
Cross-platform: Works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Secure: SSL/TLS support, same encryption used with online banking and shopping
Synchronization: Keep directories in sync while navigating
Directory Comparison: Compare directory content (compares subdirectories too!)
International: Available in over 20 languages
Character Set Support:UTF8 and just about any other character encoding supported
Automatic reconnect and resuming of tranfers
Integrity Checks of transfers (XMD5, XSHA1)
Export/Import accounts
Remote Editing
File Hashing: Generate hashes of files (MD5, various SHA's)
Drag & Drop
Timestamp Synchronization
Proxy support
Advanced properties (CHMOD, recursive CHMOD, thumbnails)
Tutorials and help files available along with personalized support
IPv6 support
Open Source!
Seamless integration with Mozilla Firefox
...did we mention it's free? :-)
If you use FTP in regular basis you might want to consider this awesome plugin.

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