
Spyware Terminator 2.2.1: Eliminate spyware mess

With the increasing number of threats posed by spywares, malwares, adwares, worms and many more; relying solely on an antivirus system seems to be insufficient. The adoption of additional tools into computer security arsenal can significantly reduce malicious threats from zeroing in on our computer based on the fact that no system is 100% foolproof.

Frequent computer users will definitely will be looking for something that is reliable & effective yet available at the minimum cost (free to be precise). So, in this post I would like to give a closer look at Spyware Terminator, a useful freeware that I personally use to keep spyware and adware threats at bay.


The installation is easy because you just need to follow through the steps given. Prior to installation process you will be asked to install "web safe guard and Crawl Toolbar" feature (it is selected by default). This effectively means searches performed through your Internet browser's search box or typed into the Address Bar will be generated through Though the searches produced are collected from several search engines such as MSN and Yahoo!, this kind of “feature” could make most advanced users to be skeptical.

While installing the Crawl toolbar does not pose any threats or real benefits, I suggest you to simply opt out for this option.

After the installation you will be given three choices whether to:

1. Scan for spywares right away
2. Enable the real time shield for continuous system protection or
3. Protect against spywares and viruses.

The last option will require you to install Clam Antivirus which will be the integral entity of Spyware Terminator. Regardless of which option chosen, you are advised to update the database to keep to spyware definition up to date. The entire process only takes a few minutes.

User Interface

Users are presented with the summary of Spyware terminator, showing recent updates, warnings related to spyware threats and easy navigation to many features of Spyware Terminator.

Key features

Spyware Removal

This is the main purpose of Spyware Terminator. It will scan your computer for known threats and report findings in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Every entry is classified accordingly, makes it easy for you to decide if a detected item should be removed or not. Unlike some free software titles, Spyware Terminator will remove all threats for free.

Free Automatic Updates

Spyware Terminator offers the ability to download and install updates automatically. Users are free to dictate how often Spyware Terminator checks for updates and how they are applied.

Free Scheduled Scans

Spyware Terminator gives users the ability to schedule spyware scans on a regular basis to ensure computer integrity. Scans can be scheduled on either a daily or a weekly basis at any hour of the day.

Free AntiVirus Integration

Spyware Terminator has included the popular award winning open-source antivirus, Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV), for optional integration to achieve a higher level of security. ClamAV can be integrated into spyware scans, updates and the real-time protection.

My Thought

The only drawback that can spotted right away by many users is the Crawl toolbar installation which will definitely raise people's eyebrows in term of its reliability. This "feature" probably provides some kind of a revenue stream to the developer, but to be honest, it's not really a good association to a security application like Spyware Terminator.

Having said that, Spyware Terminator is an effective anti malware application. There are tonne of great functions that cannot be found within its competitors. If you wish to put a try on this freeware you can download it from the following link.

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