
How to fix infected Autorun.inf in your external drives


This problem occured several months ago, when the entire laptops and computer in my house were beleaguered with damaged Autorun.inf. I can vaguely recall the other symptoms of this problem but apparently I can't double click to open my external hard disk and pen drives. Alternatively I need to right click on the external hard disk / pen drive icon and select open.

I didn't apply any fixes back then because I couldn't find any. I just realized the problem has long gone after I replaced AVG with Avast, obviously the virus/worm managed to sneaked up on AVG defense line.

Changing antivirus system is not really a good option due to a number of reasons. It's tedious and time consuming. I'm sure you are not going to pick a free antivirus at random and get it installed in your computer. You will definitely spend some time to make comparison which one fits better with computer before you make a move.


Today, I stumbled upon Autorun Eater, a small application that can effectively keep malwares from infecting your autorun.inf. Most anti-malware apps out there will almost instantly remove any malware detected but more often than not they leave the ‘autorun.inf’ file behind. And what if the anti-malware app fails to catch the malware? Here is when Autorun Eater comes in handy.

Autorun Eater will remove any suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ files even before the user attempts to access the drive. These files are auto-backup’ed in case of false positives.

Here are some key features of "Autorun Eater":

Scan and remove suspicious 'autorun.inf' files found in the root directory of all drives, A-Z, in real-time
- Hotkey enabled to toggle scan
- Start, Stop or Pause scan(with 'option grey-out')
- Scan priority(normal/high)
- Scan results are logged
- Add and remove from startup entry
- Fix 3 common registry entries commonly disabled by malwares

If you have problem like that, look no further, download this little program from the following link.
Download Link :

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