From PowerPoint to DVD – PPT2DVD Review




How to get a PowerPoint presentation onto a DVD is a question that we’ve received in our mailbox more than once. And now that Wondershare just released PPT2DVD 5.1.5 is seems like the perfect time to write a review about this nifty piece of software.

There are two versions of Wondershare PPT2DVD, a normal and a Lite version. The difference is, as the name suggest, the Lite is a basic version but is powerful enough for the average user. We’ve used for this PPT2DVD Review the full version.

With the Wondershare PPT2DVD software you can now produce high quality DVD’s and Videos for your PowerPoint presentations. You can include all the accompaniments like animation, sound effects and videos into your presentation and burn it to a DVD. Normally it is not possible to convert the PowerPoint presentations into DVD formats because you cannot play them later from a DVD. There are several benefits associated with using software that is good to create PowerPoint presentations. You will find this useful for business, personal use and even office usage.

PowerPoint is the most effective way to make a presentation as it has so many tools included in it and customizes the data in the most effective way where you can refer to it easily and understand it. Instead of reading pages of text and simple presentation with the crux material is more beneficial always. How does the software simplify the PowerPoint presentations for you? Actually it does not simplify but it gives you more options for your presentations. Because a DVD at the end of the day is a more portable device and you can carry it along wherever you go. Often when you send out presentations with a lot of video and audio files, the files become too large to fit into an email or you may spend hours trying to send it out. This problem immediately gets solved by using a DVD instead because a DVD disc offers more storage space and also allows you to add as many features to your presentations as you want.

DVD’s also has a longer life and are the most effective way of storage. A computer hard disk is exposed to many dangers like viruses and hard disks crash after they run out their lifetime or because of a simple virus. However once the PowerPoint presentation is copied on to a DVD with the help of Wondershare PPT2DVD it stays with you for at least 15 years and you not have to be worried about losing the data or being affected by viruses. It offers immense stability to your presentations. DVD is also much cheaper and faster and most computers these days have DVD drives. Whereas if you were thinking of a portable device like a flash card as an alternative remember that not many computers have USB ports and you will find the lack of technological updating to hamper your presentations.

You can also use the Wondershare PPT2DVD to convert your presentations into video clips which can be later uploaded and viewed from a common hub. Online sharing becomes faster and easier by using this effective tool. So with this tool you can start having your presentations in blogs, online pod casts and so much more. For business users it is a convenient storage option to have presentations burned on to a DVD that having it occupy a considerable amount of space on the hard disk. For office users they can start including their presentations on resumes and post it on online blogs or places like Linkedin. For personal usage you can start making home movies or customized periodicals using your personal videos and the PowerPoint tools.

My closing thought on this PPT2DVD Review… Wondershare PPT2DVD is a great, easy-to-use and handy tool to convert all your PowerPoint presentations to DVD’s. Whether you use the normal PPT2DVD or the Lite version, PPT2DVD will do the trick.

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