
How to Choose a First GNU/Linux Distribution


A Linux distribution is a compiled kernel with an assortment of necessary applications and desired software. It comes packaged together for easy installation to meet the needs of the user. If you choose a distribution that efficiently meets the demands of your hardware and Internet capabilities you won't need to install additional software. Follow these steps to choose a first Linux distribution.

Step 1 Take into consideration your hardware and Internet connection. When you choose your first Linux distribution, select one that accommodates your whole setup. Consider PCLInuxOS, Kanotix or Ubuntu for your first Linux distribution.

Step 2 Choose a Linux distribution with a compiler, linker, desktop environment, hardware support and a packaging system. After you verify that it contains all the above, select the software you want to include in the distribution.

Step 3 Find a Linux distribution that works well for you by booting and running LiveDistro. This will run on your computer without having to install it to give you a live demonstration of how the distribution will operate on your computer. This will only work if you have high speed Internet.

Step 4 Buy LiveDistro online or purchase a Linux book with LiveDistro included if you have dial-up Internet. If you decide you like the distribution after the demonstration you can install it.

Step 5 Burn the Linux distribution software to a CD as an image. Insert the CD into your disc drive and reboot your computer.

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