5 Tips for Becoming a Faster, More Proficient Office User


Using the Microsoft Office suite is an amazing tool that can increase your capabilities as a PC user, as well as your overall productivity. As with all good things that are intended to save time, there are many features and shortcuts that are unused by the average user. Look through this list and see what you can do to become a faster, more proficient user of these programs.

Learn your shortcuts. You will save yourself a lot of time and headaches by learning shortcuts and hotkey combinations that will get the job done much more quickly. The most frequently-used functions all have shortcuts that will save you time and increase your productivity.

Read tutorials and learn as much as you can. When you have some down time, there are some things you can do to become a more knowledgeable user instead of playing solitaire. Brush up on your knowledge and browse through our archives for tips and tricks that could be helpful in your daily work.

Customize your AutoFormat options. Nothing will be more valuable for you than customizing your AutoFormat options. This is especially true if you are constantly creating the same kinds of documents. Rather than letting your Office program automatically do what it thinks it needs to do, take control and set your own standards.

Use templates, or learn how to create your own. There are several templates that are included when you buy the Office suite; however, many of these are not suited to fit your individual needs. Find templates directly from Microsoft users or learn how to create your own custom template. See how much easier things can be, especially if you use the same format day-in and day-out.

Take advantage of your down time. Again, it can be tempting to goof off when you have some spare time, but it is quite beneficial for you to get to know the programs you are using. Use some of your spare time to play with the programs. Try and recall some problems you have encountered in the past and look for solutions. You will thank yourself later.

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