
How to Remove an RPM Package


An RPM package is often used with the Linux system for adding and removing programs. This package can be installed or removed fairly easily in a few simple steps. Knowing how to properly use your Linux system is incredibly important to your PC's function.

Step 1 Close all programs, documents, IM windows or other running systems. This will keep the computer from slowing down or freezing when removing the RPM package. It allows the computer to focus on this one task and allow it to finish quickly and accurately. This is a technique you should use whenever removing or installing any programs.

Step 2 Open a terminal window. Type rpm -e *package name*. This is the appropriate command to use to remove your RPM package. If you are having trouble removing it, consider if it has dependencies or will affect another program by being removed from the hard drive.

Step 3 Use a trouble shooting site for Linux to solve any possible problems you may have removing your RPM package. There are a number of good Linux trouble shooting sites including,, and

Step 4 Consult your user manual or call your Linux system manufacturer if you are having additional problems. There may be a deeper problem going on aside from the inability to remove your RPM package. In such case, you should have a computer professional look into the problem.

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